Westermann Logistik GmbH
Georg-Westermann-Allee 66
38104 Braunschweig, Germany
T. +49 531 708 0
F. +49 531 708 962
Email: info(at)westermann-logistik.de
Managing director: Martin Arnold
Commercial register: HRB 1814 Braunschweig district court
VAT identification number; see Article 27 a UStG: DE 811126848
European Commission platform for online dispute resolution: www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
We do not participate in a dispute settlement procedure with a consumer arbitration board.
Address for returns:
Westermann Logistik GmbH
Helmstedter Straße 99 /
Directions to the back of the building /
via: Am Hauptgüterbahnhof
38126 Braunschweig

Website production
Westermann GmbH & Co. KG
Georg-Westermann-Allee 66
38104 Braunschweig, Germany
Layout and programming
Celocore Webservices GmbH
Kohlmarkt 11
38100 Braunschweig, Germany
Photo credits
"Service/Find us" page (trucks in a row): stock.adobe.com/Countrypixel
“Contact” page (woman on the phone in front of a computer): iStockphoto.com/ Wavebreakmedia
“Contact” page (woman photographed from behind working on a laptop): iStockphoto.com/ shapecharge
“Commercial services/Homepage” page (hands with iPhone and calculator on a desk): iStockphoto.com/Yozayo
“Service/Orders” page (package being handed over): iStockphoto.com/alvarez
“Services/Publisher and customer support/Homepage” page (man on the telephone): iStockphoto.com/ kupicoo
“Service/Orders” page (packages being scanned): iStockphoto.com/1933bkk
"Service/Downloads" page (keyboard): iStockphoto.com/ PonyWang
“About us/References” (Young people in front of a white wall): Shutterstock.com/Rawpixel.com
“History” page: Westermann Firmenarchiv, photo new packaging technology 2022: Timon Schnür
All other pictures
Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Photographer: Nils Hendrik Müller
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